Awesome opportunities are everywhere in life. Sometimes they come disguised as monsoons. When something unexpected turns up, you have a choice: Dwell on the negative and listen to the fear, or open your eyes to the possibility that something good is just around the corner.
Becoming unexpectedly unemployed could be the spark that gets you to finally start that business.
Becoming unexpectedly pregnant could be the source of your greatest joy.
Becoming unexpectedly single could be the open door to a relationship beyond your wildest dreams.
Becoming unexpectedly ill could be an opportunity to get closer to the most important people in your life.
Life doesn’t always go as planned, but the next time a storm blows through yours, practice looking for what good thing it now makes possible. Do that, and you can expect a 100% chance of awesome.
product details
This colorful artwork by Jason Kotecki comes in a variety of sizes.
20"x20" Original Painting. SOLD.